Long Description - A Note to our Survivors
Reporting a Sexual Assault:

If a sexual assault has occurred and there is immediate danger, call 9-1-1. Begin by explaining the emergency to the dispatch officer, along with any information you might have on whether the suspect is still in the area. The dispatch office will help route your call to the appropriate law enforcement agency for assistance.
If a sexual assault has occurred but you feel you are in a safe place, call your local police station directly or visit the location in-person to report the crime. Students on a college or university campus can also contact their campus-based law enforcement. To view a list of local police stations and their contact information, visit the Resources tab.
If you have sustained any physical injuries as a result of the assault, visit a hospital or medical center. There, you can report the crime to a medical professional and request that a sexual assault kit examination be taken to collect and preserve any evidence that may be present.
To find an appropriate local health facility that is prepared to care for survivors, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673). This hotline can also connect you to local sexual assault service providers in your area who can discuss your options and walk you through the reporting process, should you wish to report the crime.
What can I Expect from a Medical Forensic Examination?
A medical forensic examination may be conducted by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) nurse or other medical professional. The purpose of the examination is to identify and treat any injuries sustained during the assault, as well as collect any remaining biological and physical evidence of the assault, document information on treatment, provide referrals for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, suicidal thoughts, other medical concerns and follow-up. Any DNA evidence collected during the examination helps build a stronger case against the perpetrator, should you choose to pursue legal action. This examination can be conducted on any adult, regardless of his or her decision to report the crime to law enforcement or pursue charges. The examination may also be performed regardless of whether the identity of the perpetrator(s) is known. SANE nurses and medical personnel are required to report any suspected incident of child abuse, and will discuss options with you.
The examination should be done as close to the date and time of the sexual assault as possible, but can be conducted up to three to five days later. If the sexual assault has just taken place, you are encouraged to refrain from certain activities until the medical forensic examination is completed in order to preserve as much evidence as possible. These activities include: showering or bathing, douching, changing your clothes, brushing your teeth, eating, chewing gum, smoking or using the restroom. If you have other items that may contain evidence such as clothing, sheets or blankets, please bring them to the examination in a paper bag or pillow case. These items should not be stored in a plastic bag.
If you suspect you have been drugged, please notify the SANE nurse or other medical staff immediately, so a urine or blood sample can be taken and analyzed at a forensic laboratory.
Can I get a Medical Forensic Exam/Rape Kit even if I don't Report to Law Enforcement?
By law, you are not required to report to law enforcement in order to receive a medical forensic exam, commonly referred to as a "rape kit." The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 has made it easier for someone to have a "Jane Doe rape kit," where they are given a code to identify themselves if they choose to report later.
Will I have to Pay for the Exam?
By law, you should not be billed for the cost of a medical forensic examination. These examinations will be provided to you for free, regardless of your future cooperation with law enforcement. If you have questions regarding a bill you've received from this examination or about other aspects of the process, you may contact your local crisis center. Please contact the Rape Crisis Center in southern Nevada at (702) 366-1640 or the Crisis Call Center in northern Nevada at (775) 221-7600.
Where can I get a Medical Forensic Examination?
The following is a list of resources to assist you in obtaining a medical forensic examination in Nevada:
Southern Nevada:
University Medical Center (UMC)
1800 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 383-2000
Visit the Adult Emergency Department for the SANE examination.
If you call to report the crime to the police first, they may be able to transport you to UMC for the examination.
Please call Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) to arrange for an examination by the CARES/SART team in Reno at (775) 221-7600
Carson City:
Please call the Advocates to End Domestic Violence hotline at (775) 883-7654 to arrange for an examination in Carson City.
Churchill County:
Please call Domestic Violence Intervention at (775) 427-1500.
Douglas County:
Please call the Family Support Council at (775) 782-8692.
Elko County:
Please call the Committee Against Domestic Violence at (775) 738-9454.
Esmeralda County:
Please call No To Abuse at (775) 751-1118.
Eureka County:
Please call the Victim Witness Services at (775) 289-3410.
Humboldt County:
Please call Winnemucca Domestic Violence Services at (775) 421-1028.
Lander County:
Please call the Lander County Committee Against Domestic Violence at (775) 635-2500.
Lincoln County:
Please call Victim Witness Services at (775) 289-3410.
Lyon County:
Please call the Community Chest at (775) 847-9311.
Mineral County:
Please call the Consolidated Agencies of Human Services at (775) 316-2917.
Nye County:
Please call No To Abuse at (775) 751-1118.
Pershing County:
Please call Pershing County Domestic Violence Intervention at (775) 273-7373.
Storey County:
Please call Community Chest at (775) 847-9311.
White Pine County:
Please call Victim Witness Services at (775) 289-3410.
Seeking Assistance from Victim Advocates
24-Hour Crisis Hotline ~ Crisis can Affect Anyone at any Time
Call (775) 784-8090 or Visit
Crisis Call Center's 24-hour crisis line often serves as the first point of contact for individuals who are seeking help, support, and information. Crisis can affect anyone at any time. The need for emotional support or referral assistance is something most individuals encounter at some point in their lives. Staff and volunteers are available 24/7/365 to help individuals discover the skills and resouces that they uniquely possess that allow them to develop solutions to maximize self-sufficiency.
The Crisis Call Center believes that if people have the opportunity to talk while experiencing a crisis, the risk of harm to self or others is greatly diminished. Immediate support during a crisis has also been shown to greatly reduce occurrences of abuse and neglect. During times of crisis, people often feel more comfortable talking to someone they don't know, enabling them to discuss feelings and concerns in a way that may differ from talking with friends and family members. To view information on other hotlines, victim advocates and resources available to you, visit the Resources tab.
If you Will be Traveling Through an Airport...
• You can request a TSA Passenger Support Specialist to accompany you through the screening process 72 hours before your flight by calling TSA Cares at 1(855) 787-2227.
• You can complete a TSA Notification Card that can be accessed here. Please write "difficulty being touched" on the card.
• You can request a private screening and have someone else accompany you.
Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer
100 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV 89701 • 775-684-1100 •